About Us

Who We Are
Regionsdelen.se makes it quick and easy for you to find companies in your region.
People with high quality and service requirements currently use Regionsdelen.se to search for companies and services in their municipality or county council.
With constant updates of the business register, we strive to remain the leading search service when it comes to region-oriented business searches. Our goal is that you as a user will be referred to the absolute best companies in the industry you are looking for!
Regionsdelen.se is owned by Regionsdelen Sverige AB
Organization Number

This website is provided by Regionsdelen Sverige AB. Unless otherwise stated, Regionsdelen Sverige AB holds the rights to all material on this website. The material may not be copied, distributed, made available to others or for any commercial purpose used in any other way without Regionsdelen Sverige AB giving its express consent to this.
Regionsdelen Sverige AB is not responsible and has no obligations for material or access to material on another website linked to or from this website.
Satellite and aerial photographs as well as maps and map coordinates are provided by Google.